Please take 30 seconds to see your legal options to cancel your timeshare or holiday club ownership
The biggest issue for most timeshare owners is the ever increasing rise they face each year when their annual bill arrives. Many owners were initially paying modest sums that were quite affordable. However, unscrupulous timeshare companies have looked to maximise their revenue by increasing the cost of fees, often way above the cost of inflation.
We ask each owner why they are looking to get out of their timeshare commitments, and in most cases it is due to the spiralling fees. Most timeshare contracts are either in 'perpetuity' or run for very long lease terms, meaning people are locked in for a life time and more. The fear that this debt could be passed down to family members upon death is a worry for many. The rule of thumb is maintenance increases to double every ten years!! To see your potential maintenance liability please fill in your annual maintenance fees in our calculator- You may be shocked at the financial commitment you have.
Don't despair, we assist many owners in getting released from their timeshare contracts. To see if we could be of assistance to you please complete our quick assessment and we will be in touch with your options.
or email us:
The only company working specialised in timeshare contract and holiday club contract cancellation that do not request upfront payments.